Deloitte Online Assessment: What It Is & How To Pass [2025]

Deloitte Online Assessment

Like many management consulting firms, Deloitte Consulting has added an online assessment to its application process. It’s important to be prepared for this test as you won’t make it to the one-on-one interviews unless you pass.

But don’t worry, we’re here to help!

In this article, we’ll discuss:

  • What the Deloitte online assessment looks like & the skills it assesses
  • Examples of questions on the online assessment
  • Resources you can use to practice your math & reasoning skills
  • Tips to help you pass the Deloitte online assessment
  • What you can expect in the recruiting process after you pass

Let’s get started!

The Deloitte Online Assessment: What It Looks Like & Skills Assessed

The Deloitte online assessment is the second stage in the Deloitte recruitment process after the online application. If you’re selected to move on, you’ll receive an invitation to the Deloitte Immersive Online Assessment.

The Deloitte online assessment gives you a flavor for the type of situations you’ll find yourself in during a typical workday as a new analyst. The overall theme for the online assessment is technology, innovation, and the digital world.

There are 4 types of tests in the Deloitte online assessment including: 

  • Situational strengths
  • Verbal reasoning
  • Numerical reasoning
  • Game-based assessments (depending on your role)

In the Deloitte online tests, you will be provided information in the forms of emails, recorded messages, or videos and you will need to use that information to answer questions. The answers could be in the form of multiple choice answers, ranked choices, or free text. 

The Deloitte test differs from other tests because candidates will be provided multiple datasets and need to determine which ones are relevant to answer each question. Typically, online assessments provide one passage at a time with a series of related questions.


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Situational Strengths

Situational judgment questions evaluate how you would respond to various workplace situations. In the Deloitte online assessment, you will likely be presented with scenarios that relate to technology, digital work, and innovation.

The scenarios may be in written or video format. You will be provided 4 options for how to respond. You may be asked to select the “best option,” “worst option,” or both options. 

These questions test your situational judgment and, while there’s no “wrong” answer, it’s important to consider Deloitte’s purpose and values when making your decisions to ensure your answers are aligned with how Deloitte does business.

Deloitte’s values include: 

  • Lead the way: We are not only leading the profession, but also reinventing it for the future. We are also committed to creating opportunity and leading the way to a more sustainable world.
  • Serve with integrity: By acting ethically and with integrity, we have earned the trust of clients, regulators, and the public. Upholding that trust is our single most important responsibility.
  • Take care of each other: We look out for one another and prioritize respect, fairness, development, and well-being.
  • Foster inclusion: We are at our best when we foster an inclusive culture and embrace diversity in all forms. We know this attracts top talent, enables innovation, and helps deliver well-rounded client solutions.
  • Collaborate for measurable impact: We approach our work with a collaborative mindset, teaming across businesses, geographies, and skills to deliver tangible, measurable, attributable impact.

There may be some tricky scenarios where there may be more than one really solid answer. Be sure to use common sense. While some potential answers might be nice in theory, they may not be feasible in real life. Balance optimal answers with feasibility.

Sample Situational Judgment Questions

Sample Question 1:

You’re working with a teammate who is analyzing data on a different client business unit than you. You find the data they’ve received would lead the team to take the opposite course of action from the data you’re analyzing. What should you do?

Your options are: 

A. Complete your own work and wait for your manager to point out the discrepancy. 
B. Work with your teammate to understand what’s driving the inconsistent data. 
C. Recheck your work and your data to make sure it’s correct, then touch base with your teammate. 
D. Ask your manager to resolve the differences in the two analyses.

The option that exemplifies Deloitte’s values is Option B, which involves leading and collaborating. The worst option is to ignore the problem and wait for your manager to notice (Option A).

Sample Question 2:

You’re part of a team on a new project and you have to assign roles to members of the team. One member of the team is meant to make a presentation to the client’s senior manager but your supervisor has requested her help on another urgent task.

What would you do?

Rank the following options for responding to this scenario in order of the most likely (1) to least likely (5).

  • I would confidently replace my colleague and give the presentation.
  • I would ask my colleague to share her notes then deliver the presentation.
  • I would ask my colleague to see if the other task can be postponed.
  • I would ask her to reschedule the presentation for another day, it’s important that she delivers it.
  • I would not do anything as it’s her duty to manage her time and resolve the issue herself.

How do you ace this question?

Check in with Deloitte Consulting’s core values. One of Deloitte’s core values is Take care of each other. The last option means leaving your colleague to struggle by herself which would be counter to this core value and should be ranked least likely (5).

Another core value is collaborate for measurable impact. If your colleague is the best person to deliver the presentation, that should be the priority. Remember that urgent tasks are not necessarily important.

If you do decide to deliver the presentation yourself, make sure to use any background notes your colleague has prepared so you can do the best job possible for the client.

Based on this, here’s our sample answer:

  • (4) I would confidently replace my colleague and give the presentation.
  • (3) I would ask my colleague to share her notes then deliver the presentation.
  • (1) I would ask my colleague to see if the other task can be postponed.
  • (2) I would ask her to reschedule the presentation for another day, it’s important that she delivers it.
  • (5) I would not do anything as it’s her duty to manage her time and resolve the issue herself.

Verbal Reasoning Test

The verbal reasoning test will assess your ability to read and interpret information. The test includes a series of passages followed by statements. You will need to determine if the statement is True, False, or you Cannot Say.

Be sure to base your answers only on information provided and exclude any outside factors or opinions you may have.

Here’s an example of a verbal reasoning question:

The correct answer is “Cannot Say.” Though online groceries shopping is expected to decline, some individual supermarkets may experience an increase. You do not have enough information to form a conclusion.

Numerical Reasoning Test

The numerical reasoning section will include about 21 questions that are based on charts, tables, graphs. The math in this section will be fairly straightforward, but you may feel pressure due to time constraints. Read each chart and question carefully, and then crunch those numbers. 

Here’s a simple numerical reasoning question example using data about unemployment rates, presented in a bar graph. 

Deloitte Online Assessment

Using the above data, calculate the average % of unemployment across all 3 London regions. Select the correct answer from the 5 options below.

How to solve this question

First, identify the % unemployment in the 3 London regions:

  • Greater London – 8.2%
  • Outer London – 7.9%
  • Inner London – 8.6%

Add these 3 numbers together (8.2% + 7.9% + 8.6 = 24.7%). Divide this total by 3 to get the average for the 3 London regions – (24.7÷3 = 8.233%). Choose the correct answer from the options given.

Note: A weighted average using the different populations of the 3 sections of London would be a better solution if you have access to this data.

Deloitte Game Assessments

You may be asked to take a game-based assessment. Game-based assessments can be fun but also unnerving. You can ace them if you know how the game is evaluating you. 

Game-based assessments are really common these days and used to test specific characteristics such as: 

  • Risk-taking: how far do you push to win each game? 
  • Prioritization/organizational skills: do you prioritize the right tasks within a challenge? 
  • Time Management: can you complete the challenge in time?
  • Vigilance: how easily do you give up when something is hard

If your recruiter has mentioned you need take a game-based assessment but hasn’t provided a lot of details, it’s okay to ask for information such as how long it should take, what type of computer system you need, and how many games you will be asked to play.

Free Resources You Can Use to Practice for Online Assessments

There are a number of free resources you can use to practice situational judgment questions. Practice Aptitude Tests has free sample questions.

There are also free brain training apps such as Elevate you can use to practice numerical reasoning.

7 Top Tips to Help You Pass the Deloitte Online Assessment

Getting ready to ace the deloitte online assessment

1. Practice.

Using the free resources above will give you the confidence to tackle the math and reasoning questions that are part of the Deloitte online assessment.

2. Do your research.

While there’s no “right answer” to the situational judgment part of the test, it’s useful to know the characteristics of successful consultants at Deloitte. Along with the company values and business judgment, this information will help you choose if you’re stuck between answers.

3. Pick your best time.

We all know when we’re most alert. If you’re an early bird, schedule the assessment in the morning. If you think better in the afternoons, take the test then.

4. Prepare your environment.

Before you take the test, make sure your environment is free from distractions and you’ve got everything you need. Make sure your tech is fully charged and working well.

5. Read the instructions.

The assessment is not usually complicated but, under pressure, you can make silly mistakes. Study the information sources and make sure you’re clear on what you need to do before you start.

6. Don’t rush.

Remember the assessment doesn’t have a time limit so make sure you take your time to work through everything.

7. Breathe!

Under stress, your body goes into fight or flight mode. You react with instinct rather than clear thinking. Breathing calms you down and helps you think more rationally. Take a deep breath before you start the test and take a moment between questions to clear your head before moving on.

What You Can Expect In the Deloitte Consulting Recruiting Process After You Pass

The Deloitte Job Simulation

If you are successful, you’ll go on to complete the Deloitte Job Simulation before attending the final stage assessment.

The Deloitte Job Simulation immerses you in a business project, mimicking life as a Deloitte analyst. The assessment is conducted via automated HireVue video interview. The simulation should take 40-60 minutes and includes 5 sections.

  • Video response questions
  • Written response questions
  • Multiple-choice numerical reasoning
  • Rank-order situational judgment
  • Email task
The email task measures your ability to write professionally and usually mimics an email. You will be evaluated on your ability to convey information effectively, attention to detail, and professionalism. 

Note: HireVue analyzes your physical responses including eye contact, pace of answering questions, the tone of your voice, and body language. It can be nerve-wracking to record these interviews so be sure to practice before you start the real thing. 

The Deloitte Final Stage Assessment

At the final assessment center, there will be an additional 4 elements of your evaluation:

  • Final interview: typically a competency-based interview to see if you  have the skills needed for the job
  • Group exercise: you will be asked to solve a problem in a group setting, monitored by a hiring manager
  • Connect event: online or offline event that includes a series of exercises, interviews, tasks, and socializing
  • Presentation exercise: candidates will complete a 5-minute presentation followed by a Q&A. The topic for the presentation is given to candidates in advance so they can prepare.

After the presentation, you’ll have a final one-to-one interview with a senior member of staff from the business area and office you’re considering. The interview is a mix of motivation and competency-based questions.

Some candidates may also have a group-based task at the assessment center.

If you’re successful after all that, you’ll finally receive a congratulatory email welcoming you to the Deloitte Consulting team!


In this article, we’ve covered:

  • What you’ll face in the Deloitte online assessment & what skills it tests
  • The types of questions you might find in the online assessment
  • Resources to practice your calculation and reasoning skills
  • 7 things to consider while preparing for the Deloitte online assessment
  • What the process looks like after you’ve passed the Deloitte online assessment

Still have questions?

If you have more questions about the Deloitte online assessment, leave them in the comments below. One of My Consulting Offer’s case coaches will answer them.

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Thanks for turning to My Consulting Offer for advice on the Deloitte online assessment. My Consulting Offer has helped almost 89.6% of the people we’ve worked with to get a job in management consulting. We want you to be successful in your consulting interviews too. For example, here is how Lindsay was able to get her offer from Deloitte.


Nail the case & fit interview with strategies from former MBB Interviewers that have helped 89.6% of our clients pass the case interview.

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