Comments on: Page CL#7 – Consulting Networking Fri, 17 Jan 2025 08:00:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rebecca Smith-Allen Wed, 18 Aug 2021 13:04:05 +0000 In reply to Kate.

Hey, Kate!

Good question. Having 2 connections in a certain consulting office is great! To answer the question on whether you should continue or not, I’d consider these 3 things.

1) Are your connections deep? Always prioritize deep and authentic connections over quantity of connections. It would be better to have a couple people who would provide you with advice and support along your recruiting process rather than a dozen with who you just exchanged superficial emails.

2) Are you interested in other offices/firms. It’s best to put the most effort into networking in your top-choice firm/office. But you’ll be interviewing with several consulting firms and may be considering more than one office/firm. If you’ve got a couple connections in one office, your time may be better spent on developing connections with another firm or office.

3) How much time do you have to devote to networking? Networking is important, but it doesn’t take the place of doing well in your classes and preparing for case and behavioral interviews. Make sure you are taking care of your top priorities before doing more networking in an office where you already have contacts.

2 connections at an office is probably fine, especially if they are strong connections. When it comes to networking, you just want to be thoughtful and sometimes doing too much or coming off as desperate/spam-like by sending too many emails out can hurt you, so focus on quality and not quantity.

Good luck with recruiting!

By: Kate Sun, 08 Aug 2021 22:31:51 +0000 How many contacts is too many at one Firm or Office Location? I.E. if I’ve already made connections with 2 individuals at a certain office, should I continue there?
