EY Online Assessment & Job Simulation-What You Need to Know

EY Online Assessment

EY Online Assessment & Job Simulation-What You Need to Know

EY Online Assessment

EY is a global accounting and consulting firm that gets tens of thousands of job applications every year. To help the company decide who to interview, they use a variety of online tests that vary based on the position you’re recruiting for.

You need to know what the EY online assessment looks like so you know how to prepare. We’ll also tell you what to expect if you pass the assessment and move on to the EY job simulation.

We’ll Cover:

  • What the EY Online Assessment Looks Like & Skills Assessed
  • 7 Tips to Pass the Online Assessment
  • What the EY Job Simulation Looks Like
  • What Comes Next in the EY Recruiting Process

Let’s get started!

What Does the EY Online Assessment Look Like?

EY is a huge organization, and the EY online assessments vary by geography and by the type of role you apply for. In this article, we’ll focus on the relevant assessments for strategy consulting roles. 

The EY online assessment can include: 

  • Numerical reasoning
  • Verbal reasoning
  • Logical reasoning
  • Situational strengths

Numerical Reasoning

The numerical reasoning portion of the EY online assessment tests your ability to work with numbers and make recommendations with very limited time constraints. You can expect 12 – 15 questions. You’ll be provided with data, charts, or graphs and asked to perform simple calculations. 

The math questions won’t be difficult, but you should refresh your memory on fractions, percentages, and growth rate calculations prior to the test. Do some easy math exercises to get “back in shape” with your quick math. 

You will probably be allowed to use a calculator, but check with your recruiter to be sure. Even with a calculator, numerical reasoning tests can be stressful. So take a breath, focus, and answer one question at a time.

Verbal Reasoning

In the verbal reasoning test, you’ll be presented with a paragraph and asked to interpret that paragraph to either confirm a statement or answer a question. 

If you’re asked to evaluate a statement, you can confirm the statement is “True,” “False,” or select that you “Cannot determine if the statement is True or False.” If you’re unsure about the answer, reread the statement to be sure that you are interpreting the statement correctly. 

You may be asked another type of question, such as identifying the main point of the paragraph. Focus on the multiple-choice answers provided and select the best option. 

You should only refer to the information in the paragraph provided to choose your answer. Do not consider your own opinion or any outside information.

What Does the EY Online Assessment Look Like?

Logical Reasoning

This portion of the EY online assessment requires you to identify patterns or trends and predict what will come next. Typically, you’ll be presented with a series of images and asked to select the next image in a pattern. 

This type of test is not something most of us are familiar with. The best approach is to practice logical reasoning tests so you can learn how to quickly assess the pattern. If you’re really stuck on a question, use the process of elimination to narrow down your choices.

Situational Strengths

This test evaluates your responses to real-world business scenarios. The test will give you 16 scenarios (either via video or text) and ask you to evaluate 4 or 5 possible responses. Your answer could be a single choice (best/worst), a ranking, or a short video recording of your response. 

You should review EY’s values before you take this test. Incorporate those values into your own authentic responses. 

See our Online Consulting Test Roundup for sample questions and their answers.

Most EY assessments don’t have time limits, but that doesn’t mean you should take too long to complete them. The numerical test is time-recorded, and the time it takes you to complete that test will impact your score. Also, some tests do have time limits within the online assessment. 

Depending on the office or role you apply for, you may be asked to take additional assessments before an interview or assessment center invitation, including:

  • Written exam: this exam may cover a specialized subject or test your general IQ and can include multiple-choice questions and essays. 
  • Game-based tests: these types of tests are very common and test your personality, how you think, and your working style. There are many varieties of game-based tests (personality, judgment, strategy, etc.), so be sure to ask your recruiter which types of game-based tests you will be taking. 
  • EY Mindset questionnaire: a personality test to assess how well you will fit in at EY. Answer honestly, but avoid being too extreme in any direction so you can demonstrate an adaptable nature! 

It may be intimidating to ask a recruiter too many questions, but don’t hesitate to clarify which assessments you will be asked to take and what they are like. Take the time to write a great email with your questions to demonstrate your structured thinking!

Our 7 Tips for Passing the EY Online Assessment

Our 7 Tips for Passing the EY Online Assessment

1. Prepare. (Don’t Wing it!)

Given how many applications EY gets, the company uses these tools to screen out a lot of candidates. Research indicates that 50-80% of candidates are screened out after the logical and numerical tests. 

Prepared students perform better on these types of tests. Take advantage of all the tools you can and practice before you take an EY online assessment. 

There are many tools available for you to practice for your EY online assessment. Some free brain training apps include Elevate, Peak, and Mensa Brain Training.

2. Select A Time When You Can Be Your Best

You will need to be energized and focused to take your online assessment. So be sure to block out a few hours so you can get prepared and handle any delays. Also, make sure you don’t have too many other commitments that day that might tire you out or distract you.

3. Check Your Computer Settings

Be sure your computer is plugged in and has a great wifi connection for so you won’t have trouble with video recordings. Take full advantage of online tutorials to ensure your sound, mic, and camera are working properly.

4. Find A Quiet Space

Even in the most silent places, every second counts on these tests. You won’t get to hit the reset button if you get distracted during your EY online assessment. 

Set yourself up for success by finding a place where you won’t be disturbed. Be sure to let any housemates know that you should not be disturbed during the test window.

5. Review Questions Thoughtfully

The questions on the EY online assessment won’t be very difficult, but they can be tricky. Don’t skim the questions – be sure to read them in detail and take in exactly what is being asked. If you’re stuck, reread the question again before doing anything else.

6. Pause And Reset Your Focus

You may start to feel your temperature rising and your breath escalating during the EY online assessment. If so, take a few seconds to close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and think about the reward you’ll give yourself after the test (Oreo milkshake, anyone?)

Now that we’ve covered the EY online assessment, let’s move on to the next step of EY’s recruiting process.


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What Does the EY Job Simulation Look Like?

The EY online assessment includes a simulation about what it’s like to work for EY. The simulation should take about 1 hour but has no time limit. The simulation includes 6 sections:

1. Your Thinking

You will be given 6 pieces of information, including graphs, charts, or tables, and asked 10 questions. The questions will be focused on interpreting the data you’ve been given. 

For example: If you’re provided charts of the 2020 – 2023 populations of major metropolitan areas in the US, you may be asked the following question: Based on the chart above, which metro city grew the fastest from 2020 – 2023?

2. Making Connections

This section tests your ability to build relationships. You’ll be provided information on a workplace scenario (perhaps two emails for context). You’ll then be asked either to rank a series of next steps or to explain your course of action either in writing or a video message. 

If you need to record a video, you will have a few minutes to prepare your response and then a few minutes to record the video.

3. Solving Problems

This test evaluates how you structure your work and quickly assess information. You will be given 8 pieces of information (emails, graphs, etc.) and asked to respond to a few scenarios. Your response will either include ranking options, writing a response, or recording a video response. 

For example:  You may be provided a detailed table of manufacturing costs over a series of months and be asked to give a high-level summary of the table. You should always start by describing what’s included in the table at a high-level, and then include top takeaways, such as the largest item in the table, or any major changes that you can quickly spot.

What Does the EY Online Assessment Job Simulation Look Like?

4. Developing Solutions

You will again be provided with information and asked to rank actions you would take in response, or describe what you’d do next in some other way. This section will focus more on analyzing and interpreting information and developing client recommendations.

5. Implementing Change

This portion of the test will evaluate how well you respond to new ways of working and adapting to technology. You will be provided with information and asked to rank options for how to respond or to write a response (e.g., a sample email).

Pro tip: If you are writing an email, take the time to structure it almost like a synthesis page. Put the key hypothesis near the top of the email and then explain your rationale. 

Since each office is different, you may also find tests that include role-play or a simulation of handling a customer service issue. No matter the scenario, structure your response into 3-5 key points (which may include subpoints), and you will be off to a great start.

6. Why EY?

This portion of the test is all one-way videos about you and why you want to join EY. You will be asked about 5 questions such as: 

  • What excites you about a career in consulting? 
  • Why did you apply to this office? 
  • What qualities of yours would help you succeed in consulting? 
  • How did you prepare for a career in consulting? 
  • When you have challenging times in your career or school, how do you stay motivated? 

Read more about the EY One Way Video.

What Comes Next in the EY Recruiting Process?

Once you make it through the online assessments and the EY job simulation, you may be invited to an assessment center or for what’s known and an EY experience day. This can include: 

  • Written aptitude tests: these tests may be longer and more difficult than the online assessments.
  • Group discussions: Candidates may be divided into small groups and given a topic for discussion. The group will need to present the highlights of the discussion to some assessors and respond to questions. 
  • Case study: you will be given information on a hypothetical company. You’ll need to analyze information and possibly prepare a written report. Some offices host a group case interview, where you will be put in a group of 3 – 5 people. The group will be asked to solve a case within 45 minutes and give a 15-minute presentation. 
  • E-tray exercise: you may be asked to read through several emails and prioritize the most important or urgent emails.
  • Interviews: you might also interview with senior leaders from EY about your career path, why you want to work for EY, and what excites you.
Recruiting After The EY Online Assessment

It can be overwhelming to participate in Group interviews! Keep in mind 2 points: 

  • Contribute confidently when needed. Someone in the group will either jump in right away or they won’t. If you hear crickets as the group gets started, you can be the one to start to structure the discussion in a way that invites people in. If someone else jumps in with a way to structure the problem you’ve been asked to solve, think about the piece of the case that’s most interesting to you and what you want to say about it. 
  • Don’t interrupt other candidates. It may be hard to hold back if you think one of the candidates is going down the wrong path, but your best course of action is to think of a way to redirect the group once they’re finished rather than jumping in while they are talking. 

For more tips, see our article on Group Interviews.

EY may also host final interviews with senior leaders at a different time. Remember, every office chooses its own recruitment process, so there’s no problem with asking your recruiter for clarity on the next steps in your application process if they have not provided them.

– – – – – – –

In this article, we’ve covered:

  • An overview of the EY Online Assessment
  • Our top 7 tips to ace the EY Online Assessment
  • What you need to know about the EY Job Simulation
  • Your next step in the EY recruiting process

Still have questions?

If you have more questions about the EY online assessment, leave them in the comments below. One of My Consulting Offer’scase coaches will answer them.

Other people prepping for EY online assessment found the following pages helpful:

Help with Case Study Interview Prep

Thanks for turning to My Consulting Offer for advice on the EY online assessment. My Consulting Offer has helped 89.6% of the people we’ve worked with to get a job in management consulting. We want you to be successful in your consulting interviews too. For example, here is how Christian was able to get his offer from EY.


Nail the case & fit interview with strategies from former MBB Interviewers that have helped 89.6% of our clients pass the case interview.