Comments on: What You Need to Know Before You Take the BCG Pymetrics Test Thu, 26 Sep 2024 17:42:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rebecca Smith-Allen Mon, 28 Feb 2022 21:29:57 +0000 Tenacity is definitely an important quality in BCG consultants. We wish you the best of luck with your job search!

By: Rebecca Smith-Allen Mon, 28 Feb 2022 21:28:56 +0000 In reply to Daniel Walters.

When applying to a consulting firm (or a firm in another industry), it’s important to know what the company’s values are and what they are looking for in employees. You can get a snapshot of what BCG is looking for here, in this video by their managing director and partner for global recruiting:
She discusses solving complex problems and working with smart people. These are key characteristics BCG looks for in their consultants.

Based on that, I’d say you want to show strength in learning, effort, decision-making, and emotional intelligence. This is not to say that the other skills are not important. But assessments like this compare you to successful employees in the role. These are skills successful consultants tend to have.

This might differ slightly since you are applying for a supervisor position which sounds like it is not a consulting role. My suggestion is to look at the skills that BCG is looking for in that role as well. But remember, if your strengths lie in different areas, BCG might not be the right place for you.

Best of luck with your job search!

By: Daniel Walters Thu, 20 Jan 2022 00:26:37 +0000 In reply to Daniel Walters.

My 3 labeled unique where, Fairness, focus, and attention where my unique.
Followed by Emotion, Risk Tolerance, Effort, Learning, Decision making, Generosity

By: Daniel Walters Thu, 20 Jan 2022 00:19:00 +0000 In reply to Daniel Walters.

I apologize for the horrible grammar but my talk to text and I need to fight constantly giving the parents that I’m dumb as hell

By: Daniel Walters Thu, 20 Jan 2022 00:17:22 +0000 The first time I’m taking a test like this and it’s for a supervisor position with them at work

What does it mean when I had
9 categories aggregated Across Your results from all pymetric‘s games?

1 Unique pymetrics Per person used To apply to any role Add any company using pymetrics

Feedback would be highly appreciated thank you

By: Ben Ali Amer Elmouataz Tue, 16 Nov 2021 11:29:37 +0000 In reply to Rebecca Smith-Allen.

Exactly Rebecca,
Because when they send me the email to do the pymetrics games, they Also told me that they reviewed my information, what really make me motivated.

By: Rebecca Smith-Allen Wed, 13 Oct 2021 13:57:40 +0000 In reply to ster.

We’re sorry to hear about the rejection. They always hurt, especially when you feel your qualifications were not given careful examination. But you sound determined, which is a quality you need to be to get an offer from a top consulting firm. Plenty of people who end up working in consulting do not get offers the first time they apply. Take what you’ve learned about the industry, the assessments, case interviews, and behavioral interviews and use it to make yourself a stronger candidate for other firms or in the future.

We wish you the best,
My Consulting Offer

By: ster Tue, 12 Oct 2021 03:11:35 +0000 I took the pymetrics test from a company recently. Sarcastically, I was turned down right away after completing the test. My application was not even reviewed by a human. I think the test is helpful in understanding candidate’s personality but not as a tool to reject a candidate’s application.

By: Rebecca Smith-Allen Wed, 30 Jun 2021 16:00:18 +0000 In reply to Danish.

In the application processes for companies I’m familiar with, it means your resume and/or cover letter have passed their initial screen. This is a second pre-interview screen. I wouldn’t call it a short list, but it’s a good first step in the process. Congrats!

By: Danish Wed, 30 Jun 2021 08:17:17 +0000 Hi,

When companies take pymetrics test? Does it mean the candidate is short listed or its just a initial stage of process?

By: Peter Wed, 23 Jun 2021 05:58:43 +0000 In reply to Cristina.

I also received the “gut-instinct” comment under the category Decision Making. This is not true because I am usually meticulous when taking further steps and putting my thoughts together.

The game imposes a time limit, which means I need to respond as quick as possible before the game expires. I cannot believe the game “judges” that I did not learn from past mistakes after playing the game which required me to pick cards from four decks that may result in random gains and losses. Forcing someone to pick cards that result in gain or loss is simply gambling. How does the result from a gamble lead to the conclusion that I make decisions based on gut-instinct? Are we required to know any scientific or “non gut-instinct” method in picking cards from decks or guessing the lottery number?

I was also “judged” as completing tasks using a familiar way as opposed to experimenting with new approaches. As a winner of several nationwide Maths competitions, I have been recognised for my ability to think critically and creatively, and to develop the most efficient plan when solving problems. During my experience with the Pymetrics test, I didn’t identify any game that was worth trying out a range of different strategies. By the time you decided on a new strategy, you would have run out of time and left stunned in front of the screen, regretting for not acting spontaneously. I aI also received the “gut-instinct” comment under the category Decision Making. This is not true because I am usually meticulous when taking further steps and putting my thoughts together.

The game imposes a time limit, which means I need to respond as quick as possible before the game expires. I cannot believe the game “judges” that I did not learn from past mistakes after playing the game which required me to pick cards from four decks that may result in random gains and losses. Forcing someone to pick cards that result in gain or loss is simply gambling. How does the result from a gamble lead to the conclusion that I make decisions based on gut-instinct? Are we required to know any scientific or “non gut-instinct” method in picking cards from decks or guessing the lottery number?

I was also “judged” as completing tasks using a familiar way as opposed to experimenting with new approaches. As a winner of several nationwide Maths competitions, I have been recognised for my ability to think critically and creatively, and to develop the most efficient plan when solving problems. During my experience with the Pymetrics test, I didn’t identify any game that was worth trying out a range of different strategies. By the time you decided on a new strategy, you would have run out of time and left stunned in front of the screen, regretting for not acting spontaneously.

I am very confused to say the least. m very confused to say the least.

By: Rebecca Smith-Allen Wed, 09 Jun 2021 12:38:27 +0000 In reply to Belinda.

I’m sorry to hear that there are bugs in the program. That must be extremely stressful.

If you have trouble with the BCG Pymetrics test or any of the consulting firms’ pre-screening tests, you should contact the company that published the test directly.

By: Belinda Thu, 03 Jun 2021 09:42:12 +0000 Hello,
I am trying to complete my assessment, but it appears that the Towers game is bugged, as I cannot click on any of the disks.

By: Rebecca Smith-Allen Wed, 28 Apr 2021 20:12:40 +0000 In reply to Cristina.


We’re sorry to hear that you didn’t think the results of your Pymetrics test matched closely with your personality and approach to problem-solving.

Leah Frank, a former Bain & McKinsey recruiter who works for MCO, said that the first thing to remember is that for BCG, Pymetrics is used as another data point on your application but there are no specific answers they are looking for or a ‘score’ you need to get to pass it. It’s looked at just to know more about you in addition to your resume and cover letter (since it’s still under the application stage).

With that said, you may want to think back through the test and reflect on which games/questions may have been used to make this determination that you have a “gut-feeling” approach rather than a “rational” approach. On these games/questions, did you let the data guide you in your answer?

For example, did you have the “Towers” mini-game with the 3 towers of stacked colored discs? The objective of this game is to rearrange the discs between the towers, moving one at a time until your towers match the ones on the top of the screen. You are asked to do this with the fewest possible moves. Did you map out the moves in advance to ensure you used the least possible moves? Or just start moving discs.
Mapping your approach out ensures you can test a couple alternative approaches and minimize your moves. This will make your problem-solving look structured or rational to the game’s algorithm. Structure problem-solving is also valued by consulting firms, which is why the games test for this.

Of course, you need to do this within the time limit of the test.

Another game which may have may have an impact on your decision-making score is the game with the card decks.

If you apply to another consulting company or apply to BCG again in the future, this reflection can help ensure your rational problem-solving approach shines through.

By: Cristina Fri, 09 Apr 2021 21:50:05 +0000 Hi! very interesting read,
I took the Pymetrics test a day ago and 3 of the traits results don’t match with my personality at all. For example, in decision making, it says I have a gut-feeling approach, but I am always very rational. I am always told that I am very rational by friends, colleagues and even my psychologist. Now, I don’t think following intuition is bad, but if I don’t get the position, it will feel very frustrating. Also, if an HR person reads my results, I don’t think they can understand who I am really. To be honest, it’s quite disappointing. Let me know if someone resonates with this, or if instead your results match perfectly.

By: Rebecca Smith-Allen Tue, 30 Mar 2021 11:27:28 +0000 In reply to Adila.

My Consulting Offer’s head recruiting coach says it can vary by applicant, but on average it takes 1-3 weeks to hear back from a firm after the Pymetrics test. She believes the firms automatically send the Pymetrics test once an application is fully submitted. There aren’t any steps to take once the Pymetrics test has been completed. You just need to wait until they can review your application.

Best of luck!

By: Adila Sat, 27 Mar 2021 07:13:24 +0000 Hi.
I completed my pymetrics test and got my result but i didn’t receive any email from the company i had applied mentioning that they have received my game result. So I am in great confusion whether the company automatically gets my pymetrics test result or are there any other steps I have to take?
