Do you have any tips for part-time or evening MBA students applying for these jobs who may have no summer internship experience because they were working a full-time job?

It’s fine if you have no summer internships because you’re working a full-time job – the recruiters for the firms will know that from your application.

When it comes to part-time MBAs, networking is even more important. You’re also going to want to make sure that you understand how each firm you are applying to wants you to recruit since some will have you go through the experienced hire pipeline, so your application timing could be different and some will have you recruit alongside the full-time MBAs. This can vary by firm.

Typically people who are part-time MBAs also have an expertise or have been working for several years in a certain space or industry. If you do fall into that bucket, even if it’s not in consulting, look for the more specialized roles that cater well to your subject matter expertise.