I am in my last semester of my program and have missed application deadlines. What should I do?

If you missed the application deadlines for MBB firms, you should be open and excited to apply to firms outside of just McKinsey, Bain, BCG, and some of the other larger Tier 2s.

Please see this list of firms for more context.

The deadlines for Tier 2 firms are usually around the same time as MBB or a little bit after. Some boutique firms conduct hiring on a rolling basis, and continue to review applications throughout the year.

Some of the Tier 1 and Tier 2 firms will occasionally have openings after the Fall, but it will depend on if a specific office has a hiring need and numbers for hiring tend to be smaller than in the Fall. Networking with folks at the firms can be a great way to know when there is an opening.

The MBB firms do keep their application “open” all year round, but remember, that doesn’t always mean they are actively reviewing applications. The good news is, we have worked with many folks who have missed application deadlines and still land offers from smaller firms and then go on to make a lateral transition to a larger consulting firm.

While it isn’t the straightest and fastest path into an MBB, don’t give up if you have missed the deadlines!